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Neuralink postpones second implant surgery LINK
  • The patient had health issues that made the person an unsuitable candidate for current participation in Neuralink’s study.

  • A replacement candidate will likely undergo the surgery next month at the Barrow facility.

Microsoft acknowledges "Skeleton Key" exploit that enables evil outputs on
almost any AI LINK
  • Microsoft tested the "Skeleton Key" technique on various chatbots including OpenAI's GPT-4o model and found it to work effectively.

  • The jailbreak causes models to comply fully and without censorship for potentially dangerous tasks.

  • Adversarial attacks like Greedy Coordinate Gradient (BEAST) can still easily defeat guardrails set up by AI companies.

People can move this bionic leg just by thinking about it. LINK

The mind-controlled bionic leg uses sensors and advanced algorithms to interpret neural signals, allowing users to move the prosthetic simply by thinking about the desired action.

Apple Watch is becoming doctors’ favourite medical device. LINK
  • Doctors are increasingly using Apple Watches for medical purposes beyond FDA approval.

  • Patients, including those with atrial fibrillation, benefit from continuous monitoring and data sharing with physicians.

  • ​Studies show potential for using Apple Watch in stress assessment, recovery monitoring after surgery, and children's heart health.

Moody’s analysis of the impact of WFH on office space, estimating a permanent reduction of 15-20% of demand for square footage. LINK

Moody's projects  a 14% average reduction in demand over 63 months, with national vacancy rates peaking at 24% in early 2026.

Without a noticeable decrease in output, businesses may lack a strong incentive to revert to traditional office settings, especially considering the potential cost savings from reducing physical office space.

The next big frontier is meta-cognition, where AI can reason about its tasks LINK

Bill Gates says scaling AI systems will work for two more iterations and after that the next big frontier is meta-cognition where AI can reason about its tasks

A system for developing thick skin - Ben Meer

If you want to be resilient, arm yourself with these 3 powerful mental models. 

​"Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity." –Colin Powell


1. Spotlight Effect (Cognitive Bias)

We think people are paying far more attention to us than they are.

Harsh truth: Your freedom begins the day you realise nobody is thinking about you.


2. The 'Procedure or Perception' Razor

When you receive negative feedback, ask yourself:

  • Should I change my procedure (actions I take)?

  • Or should I change my perception (how I interpret the advice)?

Avoid constructive feedback from people who've never constructed anything.


3. The 10% Hater Rule

The other day, I received a comment that I was "toxically positive."

It reminded me of this quote:

"10% of people will find a way to take anything personally. Expect it and treat it as math." –Tim Ferriss

9 Lessons to stamp into your brain - Dickie Bush
  1. Life gets a lot easier when you view every problem as a skill issue

  2. There will never be the “perfect” set of conditions—so kill your “onces” and start immediately

  3. You will learn most lessons 7+ times before you internalize them 

  4. You only get 2 hours of “real work” done per day (and those 2 hours take 4)

  5. The 80/20 of 80/20 is 64/4 -> 4% of the inputs lead to 64% of the outputs

  6. Standards (relationships, body, fitness, performance, team performance, etc.) naturally deteriorate over time - you must fight to uphold them

  7. Invest more time finding the one decision that eliminates 1,000 decisions

  8. Satisfaction = expectations — reality. Reframe reality. Set lower expectations. 

  9. There are always negative returns to “rushing”- so relax for the same result

Finding GPT-4’s mistakes with GPT-4. LINK

CriticGPT, a model based on GPT-4, writes critiques of ChatGPT responses to help human trainers spot mistakes during RLHF 

Figma's AI is revolutionising design. LINK

New launches from Figma:

  • Figma Slides introduced as a presentation tool leveraging Figma designs and AI to enhance narratives.

  • Developer tools like 'Ready for Dev' view and 'Code Connect' aim to bridge design-programming workflows.

Comparison with Adobe:

  • Figma assures users that generative AI features are from third-party models, avoiding controversies faced by Adobe.

  • Users maintain control over content training for AI models and can opt-out if desired

Deutsche Telekom debuts ‘non-stop’ broadband with 5G failsafe. LINK

Telco reinforces reliability of fibre and DSL packages with new system featuring 5G re-routing and interference suppression tech.


Inside Netflix's bet on advanced video encoding LINK

Encoding technology for video streaming has significantly reduced bandwidth requirements over the past decade, allowing for higher-quality video to be delivered over existing broadband infrastructure:

  • Per-title and per-shot encoding, which optimises bitrates based on the visual complexity of content.

  • Advanced codecs like AV1 provide 30%+ efficiency gains over predecessors.

  • Machine learning-driven quality assessment to further optimise encoding.

  • Specialised encoding for 4K, HDR, and other advanced formats.

How much faster is 5G anyway? LINK
  • Global average mobile latency was 27 milliseconds, with fixed broadband at 9 ms in May 2024.

  • Higher latency can lead to 7x longer webpage load times and 40% of users abandoning a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

  • 5G consistently showed faster page load speeds than 4G ranging from 20-30% to as high as 47%.

SoftBank's Son sets ambition to realise 'super' AI in 10 years. LINK

SoftBank’s strategic shift signifies a more aggressive stance in pursuing growth opportunities, signalling a shift in the company’s direction.

Market sentiment heavily favours companies involved in AI, reflecting a strong belief in the future potential of the technology

A big new paper on the possible impact of generative AI on employment. LINK

46% of jobs could see their tasks affected when considering current and future software developments complementing LLM capabilities.

With content, ‘So far Moore’s law has applied to distribution, but now it will apply to production as well.’ LINK

The disruption in Hollywood will likely come from the bottom, with AI democratising content creation and increasing competition for talent.

Netflix’s games business is not going well. LINK

After investing $1 billion, Netflix Games has struggled to capture the market as intended, prompting a strategic overhaul under new leadership.

Roblox on generative AI. LINK

Roblox has opened up a new frontier for experience and asset creation with 4D generative AI. 4D generative AI aims to expand beyond single 3D objects to dynamic interactions. Roblox’s vision includes enabling more individuals to become creators and bring their ideas to life.


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